Decentralizing social media?
I interview technologists Christian Gribneau and Dmitri Zagidulin. We ask five questions; runs two hours. Live chat on YT with me & whoever shows up.
Premieres Mon. @ 12:01 p.m. EST…
Decentralizing social media?
I interview technologists Christian Gribneau and Dmitri Zagidulin. We ask five questions; runs two hours. Live chat on YT with me & whoever shows up.
Premieres Mon. @ 12:01 p.m. EST…
Blockbuster, shocking testimony from a front-line hospital PA who says the hospital saw massive numbers of documentable, horrible side-effects of the vaccines, but nobody reported them; then she was told not to. Horrible.
Physicians’ Assistant Major Whistleblow…Must Watch…terrifying
The most important thing that regular folks can do to help decentralized the Internet, other than abandoning Big Tech services, is to buy your own domain name. Do it!
Request to developers who need a good project: we need to be backing up all deleted Wikipedia articles. Deletionpedia is no longer being maintained. Who can step up?
Why Wikipedia has failed and what to do about it
The Arizona election audit found substantial evidence of fraud, in large enough numbers to overturn the results of the election in that state. This is not surprising at all to anyone who was paying attention last November.…
There were 38,680 motor vehicle fatalities in the United States in 2020, or 106 per day.
And people are still allowed to drive!
This extremely distinguished doctor, who treats presidents, calls the Covid vaccines the “death shot.” He is adamant that it is a terrible medicine. He approvingly quotes someone: “The biggest risk of genocide in human history.”
“If you take misinformation around Covid, the Wikimedia Foundation entered into a partnership with the World Health Organization.” –Wikipedia’s (the WMF’s) incoming chief executive, Maryana Iskander
Jerks like this should be demonized for their totalitarian boldness. Who died and made them our lords and masters?
CEO of Moderna Says Even Young Will Need to Take Vaccine Booster Shots Indefinitely
I rarely bookmark pages. I bookmarked this one. Do so, and share!
Covid info page.