Once again, HR1 is not just typically bad legislation. It is absolutely, completely bonkers for *any* sane person. Pass it, it’s game over. > thefederalist.com/2021/03/08/15-…
Once again, HR1 is not just typically bad legislation. It is absolutely, completely bonkers for *any* sane person. Pass it, it’s game over. > thefederalist.com/2021/03/08/15-…
What happens when reasonableness as determined by conventional standards comes into direct conflict with rationality as determined by your own individual judgment?
It is disgusting and infuriating to me that academia has become a place where pedophiles can masquerade as serious researchers—”scientists”—and thereby defend at great length, over a period of decades, their thoroughly evil sexual proclivities.
The Against the People Act/Enabling Voter Fraud Act, is shockingly horrific. Federalizes the process & legalizes all dirty tricks>
McAfee indicted for fraud and money laundering conspiracies. Hmm > mobile.twitter.com/SDNYnews/stat…
Australia’s ABC ordered journalists not to refer to child rapists as “pedophiles,” because that would hurt the feelings of pedophiles. Never mind that pedophiles are evil (see larrysanger.org/2019/12/why-pedo…).
They could have called Discord “Concord.”
I guess they didn’t, because they think “Discord” sounds cooler and edgier.
I’m waiting for an ultra-cool, ultra-edgy startup called “Evil” or “Wicked.” Maybe “Lucifer.” Now that’s edgy!
We’re not supposed to notice that the Bible is 100x edgier and more offensive to certain postmodern sensibilities than anything recently canceled.
That’s by design. “Last week we canceled Dr. Seuss, and now you’re defending the Bible? Monster!”
We oughta decentralize social media. I’m doing my part by posting this from my microblog. It just happens to be mirrored on Twitter. It’s a matter of getting the right tools into the hands of the people. @ks_found is building one >
This judge, which ordered the arrest of a local election official when over 3/4 of absentee ballots were found invalid, really needs to be arrested for incitement to violence—conspiracy theorist! >
Payment services, like the whole financial industry, are a massive grift that depends on differentials in knowledge (including technical knowledge) and sheer boldness. This applies every bit as much to crypto as to everything else.
Man in Wales arrested, strip searched for taking a walk too far from home. Necessary to prevent the spread of Covid-19, is it? > summit.news/2021/03/01/man-arres…
This is not my country. This is some new, much worse country>