Who are (a) the most prominent critics of the Internet in its current form, who are also (b) clearly lovers of liberty and (c) are not merely pundits but have some claim to technical authority?
“Lover of liberty“ is too vague, because everyone loves his own liberty. The question is, do you love other people’s liberty?
This is a great song and video. Anthem for 2021. “Jesus…What Happened to Us?”
Seems important and crucial to remember if true. Short. Watch.
Can one of you who trust in the conventional wisdom about Covid explain why her analysis is wrong and does *not* establish that CDC stats are fr4udulent?
Looks like this is what’s happening next: the vaxxed will demand not to wear masks. Then our fearless leaders will demand public proof of vax status…if you have it, then (only then) you’ll be able to forego the mask.
Most of my followers still have not signed the Declaration of Digital Independence. Please do so here:
and/or here:
It’s quaint that @Google thinks they have the right to centrally store my passwords for me. They didn’t ask. They asked to save them in @Chrome; I didn’t know they’d end up in a centralized Google Password Manager.
Deleted now.
Now I use @Brave.
Philosophy is important, because it concerns the meanings of concepts, not words. Indoctrination works through redefinition of words. Much of what goes under the name of democracy, decentralization, tolerance, and safety are no such thing. ->
I can’t vouch for the genuineness of the video or the description…but funny anyway.
Ohio State Senator, using a Zoom background of his home office while driving, debating a bill for harsher penalties for distracted driving. from IdiotsInCars
New decentralized, encrypted chat option, featuring RSS I’m told: Minds Chat>
I urge you to watch this thread.
Push back against every attempt to demonize and dehumanize any class of your fellow citizens. It’s extremely important.
Historically, when governments and corporations have committed horrific crimes, the people often denied they were taking place, or they justified them as appropriate punishment or preventive measures.
My book in three different formats now: paper, ebook, audio. Review if you’ve read it, please > amazon.com/Essays-Free-Knowledge…
What fresh hell? Kids participating in drag shows late at night. What’s next, striptease? If there were real justice and concern for children in L.A., these people would be arrested and made to pay dearly. Read/watch>
Disgusting Video Shows Children Being Paraded Around Drag Queen Show Taking Cash Tips