Want to save an article Wikipedia is threatening to delete? A @ks_found developer has made some tools to make that easy.
Now that the Supreme Court has thrown out the federal vaccine mandate, vaxxed people will have to work alongside unvaxxed people who (authorities say) will suffer more if they get the virus. (And that’s about it.) Oh, the humanity!
Want to get paid to make a new freedom-oriented operating system? Sure it sounds crazy but it would be verrrry cool and you’d be working with very smart people. Job requirements include being awesome and anti-Establishment.
Some cultural destruction is better than other cultural destruction?
Talked to a front-line nurse at major metro hospital. All beds full. Many more people seriously ill and dying this winter than in winters past. Not only or even mainly COVID.
Slogans for the real tech revolution (not “Web3”!):
– Own your own data.
– Clients, not platforms.
– Old-fashioned decentralization.
– Get a NAS.
– Buy your own domain.
– Escape Big Tech.
– Open software, open hardware, open content.
Neil Oliver has one of the best analyses of the coordinated globalist response to Covid I have ever heard. Must watch.
Shocked, shocked I am that Moderna’s CEO wants people to have a fourth booster shot. Because of how effective the “vaccine” is.
Don’t be too loyal to political parties. The Republican Party is apparently not above using Satan, and vice-versa.
That is absolutely brilliant. If it’s not satire, that just makes it better.
Sobering dinner-table discussion. Are chickens coming home to roost?
“A sensational account of the most horrifying religious massacre of the 20th century. Startling revelations of forced conversions, mass murder of non-Catholics”, etc., that took place in Yugoslavia.
Free book. FWIW.
There could be up to a million victims of child sexual exploitation in the UK, it is feared.
Rotherham’s Labour MP Sarah Champion describes it as a “national disaster,” wants a taskforce to fight the “horror.” mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/child-…